Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Starting line-up
  1. Kothari
  2. Chhochu
  3. pandey ji
  4. mohapatra
  5. karan
  6. varun
  7. chirag
  8. myself n few more

With a largely average team, starting with unrecognized players, pseudo personalities, giants missing. Scrambled to the extent that even jumble players cant unscramble. Co-ordination ZERO. Noone sure of his position & responsibilties. Negligible support.

Before every match there was a serious question...... are we going to survive this one??? Being optimistic....karan used to remind everybody "We are playing to win".

First match against Nehru (they-whose-ass-we-most-want-to-kick), a satisfactory victory. Scoreline 31-15. Team morale somewhat increased.

Second match vs azad, the scoreline had a sinusoidal curve...both teams fighting hard to eliminate other out of the tournament. Class performance from both sides. Lagging at one point, other minute saw them advancing to lead. Tied until third quarter at 27-27. Fourth quarter brought the tide to RK's lap. Final score 39-33.

Last league against Kgp Kings, no matter we lost badly. Opponents scored doubles with ease. We stood agape, watching them dominate us. Score 72-56.

Semis against MMM (first years) :: Best baskey match i have ever played. Our pride at stake...went to the court with a vow : if we lose, i quit this ballgame. We started pathetically.... facchas leading 10-4 at one point. A time-out...chit-chats....few suggestions...some modification in gameplan...the team realized their weaknesses. Back to the front. Consistent performance for rest of the quarter. Score tied at 12-12 at end of first quarter. The mantra of starting every quarter with score 0-0 failed to apply this time. Start of second quarter. For 4 minutes facchas had their guns throttling at full strength. Then a tragedy. I had an ankle twist while fighting for a ball, landing on opponent's legs. Out of court...trying to figure if by any means can i get back in the game? Meanwhile facchas still dominating. Halftime and they had considerable lead. Everyone almost sure of the outcome. Third quarter and two minutes later the score was 35-26. I dont know why against everyone's advice, i came back on the court. These types of acts atleast have positive effect on morale of teammates. I had my luck that day. With re-entry, i scored three consecutive shots followed by fouls by other side saw us tied again at 35. The team never looked back. Everyone giving his best...pandey ji running to and fro, tapping almost certain shots. Karan taking hooha lap shots. Chhochu stealing balls and scoring at will. Kothari making his lines and scoring. even i had a good day. If u get trapped by defenders u wud find mohapatra assisting u and scoring in next second. It can be said that facchas lost coz of their inexperience (even though they had three quality players n a real U-16 national player). Final Score 53-47. I couldnt even express my happiness after the match.

Grand Finale
Big guns playing against rookies. Before the finals, we decided not to let Kgp kings score easy points. Make them sweat as much as we can.


The start was good. Both teams tied up at the end of every quarter. Their shots had accuracy of 95%. The fourth quarter was dramatic. Some missed baskets. some missed free throws. Some mispasses. Some bad decisions. Sinusoidal scorecard again. 25 seconds before the whistle blew, kothari passed me a ball n i couldnt receive it with score 65-64 against us. The ball went outside. The game ended with the same score 65-64.
The game show all attributes...shouting.. elation... demoralized... stressed... Everyone blaming himself for few instances he cud have *********** We missed rathee boy.

Score at the end of third quarter

Final Score

Both teams with their cups

Well... the tournament ended but one thing that is haunting me for the last three days is what if i wud have received that ball and converted it.


Abhishek Gupta said...

masto likhe ho... keep it up

Tejaswi J said...

ITS THE EFFORT THAT MATTERS....its was fun watching you guys learn and perform and now you are on the threshold of excelling...great going...make sure you dont throw it away!
Aur open-iit volley ka kya hua..:)

toothpaste4dinnr said...
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toothpaste4dinnr said...

I am not surprized to learn about your accomplishments in sports, you have always been a good sportsperson. Keep it up!
Back in school also, you used to be a good defender along the flanks. Keep me informed of your feats.

Anonymous said...

i'm out of words!!! :)

vikram singh said...

If Indian Sports Reporters can write the way you've written about Baski and Volly.....Ppl wont we watching just cricket.