Monday, August 02, 2010

Marital Clauses

Marriage is perpetual punishment. Degree depends on the not-so-wisely-termed "better-fairer-half".

Back to those prehistoric days, when human beings were not required to engage in marriage. :D  Even the thoughts of such scenario brings all teeth on display.

The state would have been glorious till day if those few who started it out of lack of control or jealousy or exclusivity rights or assurance of paternity would have been somehow contained. Damn those wicked souls, who on the name of civilizing acts invited wise-men with an equal representation by wise-women, stakeholders, to discuss the issue at hand - institutionalizing marriage. The reason was - nubile women are a source of jealousy and strife in tribe. The agenda was - Access to women should be institutionalized in some way so as to moderate the intensity of the competition.

It is, till this day, the worst ever day in the history of mankind.

It had always been the weak segments, from Greece to India, who collude together to form groups of wise-men. Damn them and damn their souls. Had it been just the wise-men, things would have been better today, but for representation by wise-women. Alas!

In England they declared it to be a voluntary act, In Europe, it was more of a business contract, but India had the worst to offer to its future generations - to perish. In India or whatever it was, they decided that its going to be an occasion with lots of activities involving worshiping Gods, so many of them, pomp & show, lots of food, lots of lights, lots of fire, i.e., loads of bull-holy-shit. So far so good.

The first clause was that there wont be any upper age limit for marriage. Ever wondered, why there is a floor set for marriage but not cap, Wise -men. Ideally gaining mental ability should have been complimented by losing physical ability. By the time, such decree was issued, wise men were so happy with the hope that their kinds will now be subject to marriage too, they almost agreed to every clause of the contract, smartly put forth by wise-women. Damn those wise-men and their souls.

Mankind, being a wanderer by nature, should travel with their near n dear ones to bride's place for the ceremony. Its dreadful, painful to travel miles for a torturous ceremony. To aggravate the pain, the groom is made to wait first for the display to general public and then to be fried in front of holy fire. The bride, on the other hand, is always the last one to arrive at every painful act of the ceremony. Damn those wise-men and their souls.

As beautiful women were reason for strife, the groom should prove first of being worthy of her. And hence, we hear about swayamvars. Never have heard something like swayamvadhu. Food for thought - loads of nubile women assembling at a place, seeking your attention. Little better case, you would do away with mental exercise of comparing 75 different girls and arriving at the best one. Whatever attributes, mental or physical, one wanted, they would have a live demonstration for that. Damn those wise-men and their souls.

The bride, after marriage, would reside in the groom's house and she would be his responsibility, i.e., to listen to craps, to feed, to procure materialistic objects for the lady, etc etc. Worst of all clauses. Why cant be it so, that after marriage, the groom would be bride's responsibility? If not then take the neutral ground - live in their respective houses and be at peace. A man's natural careless attitude is destroyed. Damn those wise-men and their souls.

Realizing the disadvantages of the above, wise-men wanted to have a compensation for the same which was well reciprocated by wise-women in putting forward the clause of presenting precious material things for possession by groom's side based on discretion and capability of bride's side. Now who would have made them understand that no price is worth the freedom of a man's life? Damn those wise-men and their souls.

Ever wondered why women's eligibility age for marriage is lesser than men's? Marriage to girls is a fun factor. They dream of getting married - I wonder through what degree of tortures a man would go if a girl's marriage were carried out as per her dream. Its not just that, it seems the fun part of a marriage for females has settled in the [F+] blood group, when they are born, they would ask for a doll and then play marriage games. The lower age is driven by the level of desire and desperation to get married.

This whole society, specially elder ones have conspired and betrayed mankind. Till this day, mankind shivers on mere mention of the word marriage. Hats off to men who have dared and will keep daring to marry. 

Thanks to the saint who invented DIVORCE.